Halloween Songs

  1. 4. They're creepy and they're spooky.
  2. 10. Song about scary things dancing together
  3. 11. Musical about a deranged barber!
  4. 12. Song about bones!
  5. 13. What every trick or treater says!
  6. 14. Tim Burton stop motion musical
  1. 1. Song about a stalker...
  2. 2. Musical about a blood-thirsty plant!
  3. 3. Disney used this in Fantasia!
  4. 5. Spooky Poet, who's poems we put to music!
  5. 6. Song the boogie man sings!
  6. 7. One of the most famous songs by Michael Jackson
  7. 8. Who you gonna call?
  8. 9. Wouldn't it be chilly with no skin on?