- 2. String, What item is banned only during Halloween from 12 AM October 31st - 12 PM Nobember 1st in Hollywood California? (Hint: two words)
- 3. What is the mega-popular Halloween candy named after a horse?
- 5. What is used to light a Jack O'Lantern?
- 7. Where does a vampire sleep?
- 10. In which country did Halloween originate?
- 11. What insect has 8 legs?
- 12. Which vegetable were Jack O' Lanterns originally carved from?
- 16. What color of cat is a symbol of Halloween?
- 19. What do people bob for on Halloween?
- 20. Where do witches brew their potions?
- 21. Which country celebrates The Day of The Dead starting at midnight October 31st?
- 22. Complete the chant: "double, double, toil & ____________."
- 24. What is the most popular Halloween costume?
- 25. What form of transportation do witches use?
- 1. Halloween is the 2nd busiest holiday after __________.
- 4. Which state is the largest producer of pumpkins?
- 6. What country holds the title for the world's heaviest pumpkin?
- 8. Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
- 9. What mammal is capable of flying and associated with Halloween?
- 13. What bone in the head is often used as a symbol of Halloween?
- 14. In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase "Trick or Treat" on Halloween?
- 15. He's all bones...
- 17. Corn, What candy is the second most popular Halloween candy? (Hint: two words)
- 18. The word "witch" comes from the Old English word _______, which means "wise woman."
- 23. Trick or _____?