Halloween Trivia

  1. 2. String, What item is banned only during Halloween from 12 AM October 31st - 12 PM Nobember 1st in Hollywood California? (Hint: two words)
  2. 3. What is the mega-popular Halloween candy named after a horse?
  3. 5. What is used to light a Jack O'Lantern?
  4. 7. Where does a vampire sleep?
  5. 10. In which country did Halloween originate?
  6. 11. What insect has 8 legs?
  7. 12. Which vegetable were Jack O' Lanterns originally carved from?
  8. 16. What color of cat is a symbol of Halloween?
  9. 19. What do people bob for on Halloween?
  10. 20. Where do witches brew their potions?
  11. 21. Which country celebrates The Day of The Dead starting at midnight October 31st?
  12. 22. Complete the chant: "double, double, toil & ____________."
  13. 24. What is the most popular Halloween costume?
  14. 25. What form of transportation do witches use?
  1. 1. Halloween is the 2nd busiest holiday after __________.
  2. 4. Which state is the largest producer of pumpkins?
  3. 6. What country holds the title for the world's heaviest pumpkin?
  4. 8. Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
  5. 9. What mammal is capable of flying and associated with Halloween?
  6. 13. What bone in the head is often used as a symbol of Halloween?
  7. 14. In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase "Trick or Treat" on Halloween?
  8. 15. He's all bones...
  9. 17. Corn, What candy is the second most popular Halloween candy? (Hint: two words)
  10. 18. The word "witch" comes from the Old English word _______, which means "wise woman."
  11. 23. Trick or _____?