
  1. 2. or Treat/ What children say to get candy at Halloween
  2. 3. sweet and delicious, children love eating...
  3. 4. Opposite of light
  4. 5. Has 8 legs and runs very fast
  5. 7. The Undead! Wants to suck your blood!
  6. 9. We light these with matches so we can see in the dark
  7. 10. Made of just bones
  8. 14. The place where we bury dead people
  9. 16. Where spiders live
  10. 18. Witches and Wizards fly riding these
  11. 19. Wears a hat and rides a broomstick.
  1. 1. Harry Potter is a...
  2. 6. Big, round, orange vegitable. We carve pictures or faces onto them at Halloween.
  3. 8. A house with ghosts in is said to be...
  4. 9. What we dress up in at Halloween
  5. 11. A tiny, magical being with wings
  6. 12. The most famous vampire
  7. 13. A man who turns into a wolf every full moon
  8. 15. When we see the spirit of a person after they have died
  9. 17. Small, black animals with wings