
  1. 1. what people do in haunted houses?
  2. 4. orange with a green stem
  3. 6. witches fly around on these.
  4. 9. carry a wooden stake just in case you meet one.
  5. 11. Where else will witches brew their potions?
  6. 14. holiday in October
  7. 15. don't get confused, he is not a nice doggy, he will eat you if he comes across you at the full moon.
  8. 17. another word for walking dead
  9. 19. what do you think zombies are?
  1. 2. where vampires sleep.
  2. 3. where the dead live.
  3. 5. he carries a scythe.
  4. 7. delicious orange, yellow and white candy.
  5. 8. the opposite of good.
  6. 10. If you see someone with these, be careful you aren't bitten!
  7. 12. what haunts old houses?
  8. 13. beware. People may not be as they appear on Halloween night.
  9. 15. watch out, she may turn you into a frog.
  10. 16. the month of Halloween.
  11. 18. what people say on Halloween.