
  1. 2. strange and mysterious
  2. 4. causing strong dislike or disgust
  3. 6. asking for treats from door to door
  4. 7. very afraid
  5. 10. a place where dead people are buried
  6. 12. to make afraid
  7. 14. marks the place where a dead person is buried
  8. 16. an evil spirit
  9. 18. a large pot
  10. 19. long, sharp teeth
  1. 1. very shocking and upsetting
  2. 3. so scary your hair stands up
  3. 5. a dead body
  4. 8. strange, unknown, or difficult to understand
  5. 9. the handle of a broom
  6. 10. a box in which a dead person is buried
  7. 11. wand a long, thin stick used by a magician
  8. 13. an evil creature that robs graves and eats dead bodies
  9. 15. house a house with a ghost in it
  10. 17. a body preserved in the manner of the ancient Egyptians