
  1. 2. “Gidon’s Handwriting” - Gidon
  2. 4. unknown to everyone
  3. 6. the same on both sides
  4. 8. the real one, not fake
  5. 13. don’t run with them
  6. 14. “someone’s ______ was hysterical
  7. 15. “Get your smoothies today!” Is ______ing
  8. 17. to make victim of someone
  9. 18. round circular object, 3D
  10. 19. a statue in Egypt
  11. 20. a place with food galore
  1. 1. Nice, Easy
  2. 3. to put someone or something in prison
  3. 5. my _____ arrived last week!
  4. 7. a female child or person in relation to her parents
  5. 9. amazing but starting with an F and no “i”
  6. 10. this is a _______ of a word
  7. 11. my _______ is to eat carrots
  8. 12. something that can and will destroy
  9. 16. fast, easy smooth