- 2. Who is the author and writer of Hamlet?
- 4. What star actor takes part in the move “The Revenant”?
- 8. Who is the mother of Hamlet?
- 10. What is linked to the moods/themes of the play?
- 11. Who did Gertrude marry to make Hamlet disgusted?
- 13. How is nature used in the play during the second point of direction?
- 14. King What is the second media about?
- 15. What does Hamlet represent in the planetary system?
- 1. Who says the "tis an unweeded garden" quote?
- 3. What flower symbolizes death?
- 5. What does Shakespeare use in the text to show the growth of the characters?
- 6. What plant Hamlet's mother uses to describe Ophilia's death?
- 7. Who says "canker galls the infants of the spring" quote?
- 9. How do you best describe the story of Hamlet?
- 12. Who created the Ophelia painting discussed in the introduction?