Hammer Crossword (no underscores)

  1. 2. basic building block of maps
  2. 4. lets players see on your map
  3. 5. either for detailing or getting under hammer limits
  4. 6. the cause of 99% of hammer problems
  5. 7. essentially a spray
  6. 11. the most important thing in hammer that everyone uses all the time
  7. 12. light_ makes the sky more like the sky
  8. 14. the cooler spray
  9. 17. tool texture that blocks players
  10. 20. a brush based entity
  11. 21. the correct tool for using displacements
  12. 22. how to stop vvis taking 6 hours
  13. 23. func_ the good way to make rollers (except sometimes)
  14. 24. when an entity tells another entity to do something
  15. 26. why is my brush invalid?
  16. 28. the good version of hammer
  17. 30. info_ nice way to add pretty effects
  1. 1. gives players health
  2. 3. best tool for making landscape
  3. 8. bshears favourite gimmick
  4. 9. you know your map is highly detailed when you need to use this
  5. 10. trigger_ owns you when you fail a jump
  6. 13. the tool that no one except me has ever used
  7. 15. the core entity that makes ddr work
  8. 16. func_ the bad way to make rollers (except sometimes)
  9. 18. technically deprecated brush entity
  10. 19. gives players ammo
  11. 25. a red laser than flies off into the void
  12. 26. put the map in the oven
  13. 27. worst tool for making landscape
  14. 29. happens for no reason