Hampton University Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. This scholar loves reading books about science.
  2. 7. This scholar's nickname is Showtime.
  3. 8. This scholar has a cousin in another class.
  4. 9. This scholar was a leader in the classroom.
  5. 10. This scholar is known for her artwork.
  6. 11. This scholar's avatar is a video game character.
  7. 12. This scholar has very neat handwriting.
  8. 13. This scholar is almost always first to arrive.
  9. 14. This scholar knows state capitals very well.
  1. 1. This scholar is quiet, but has a big personality.
  2. 2. This scholar had amazing dance moves.
  3. 3. This scholar has a unique laugh.
  4. 4. This scholar now lives in the South.
  5. 6. This scholar loves to get homework done quickly.
  6. 11. This scholar's favorite teacher is Ms. Fenty.