hand anatomy!

  1. 1. pink
  2. 2. brown
  3. 5. carpal tunnel test
  4. 7. light green
  5. 8. group of muscles at base of pinky
  6. 9. medial epicondylitis=______ elbow
  7. 10. nerve affected by carpal tunnel syndrome
  8. 15. nerve that innervates pinky
  9. 16. roof of carpal tunnel
  1. 1. hyperextension at PIP, flexion at DIP
  2. 3. group of muscles for adduction and abduction of fingers
  3. 4. yellow
  4. 6. dark blue
  5. 11. number of tendons within carpal tunnel
  6. 12. red
  7. 13. light blue
  8. 14. group of muscles at base of thumb