Hand Hygiene

  1. 2. _____ should be used to turn the tap water off and open the door after washing my hands
  2. 4. do not forget the _____ of your hands
  3. 5. use an _____ based hand sanitizer
  4. 6. PPE includes gowns, gloves and _____
  5. 8. infectious medical waste should be discarded in _____ bags
  6. 10. you must use soap and water to wash your hands for at least _____ seconds
  7. 12. _____ _____ is essential!
  8. 14. blood borne _____ are a group of infections that are carried and transmitted within blood and body fluids
  9. 16. I was my hands to prevent the spread of _____
  10. 18. hand washing should be done _____ contact with patient belongings
  11. 20. what virus was the culprit for the pandemic of 2020?
  12. 21. _____ your hands then apply soap when washing your hands
  1. 1. _____ _____should not be used if the hands are visibly soiled
  2. 3. PPE is personal _____ equipment
  3. 7. I should use _____ _____ _____ when my hands are visibly soiled
  4. 9. any surface that is touched could potentially be covered with _____
  5. 11. The best thing I can do to prevent the spread of infection is to _____
  6. 13. handwashing should be done before patient ______
  7. 15. wash you hands _____ eating food
  8. 16. when using handsanitizer rub hands together until _____
  9. 17. the term we use for everyday practices to prevent the spread of infection is _____ precautions
  10. 19. I should wash or sanitize my hands after removing my _____