Hand Hygiene Post Test 2024

  1. 1. Hygiene What should I do between drinking my coffee and starting medication administration?
  2. 2. When there is a potential for to come in contact with blood &/or body fluids, gloves are to be this.
  3. 4. Alcohol hand sanitizers do not contribute to this type of resistance.
  4. 7. What task am I to do after rubbing my eyes.
  5. 8. Healthcare workers perform hand hygiene an average of less than this percentage.
  6. 9. To promote infection prevention the acceptable nail length in inches is this.
  7. 10. This color spit is not concerning for the transmission of germs.
  8. 12. The May 2024 goal for hand hygiene is what percentage?
  1. 1. The CDC says that wearing gloves is not a substitute for this.
  2. 3. The most effective hand sanitizers contain this.
  3. 5. These are often missed during hand hygiene.
  4. 6. These areas are potential for germ transmission (re: desk, phone, scanner).
  5. 11. Hand hygiene helps ensure this for employees and offenders.