hand hygiene

  1. 4. hand hygiene helps to prevent the spread of .........
  2. 5. dont ... me! wash your hands
  3. 6. have a merry ......... and a great new year
  4. 9. which dr is credited as the father of hand hygiene Dr Ignaz S
  5. 11. hand hygiene is ........ buisness
  6. 12. hand hygiene ..... lives
  7. 13. bugs love to travel on these
  8. 14. do not wear artificial ..... to work
  9. 15. wash your hands with soap and water when they are ....... soiled
  10. 16. these are not a substitute for hand hygiene
  1. 1. hand hygiene should be performed before and after a .........
  2. 2. hand hygiene is the single most effective measure to reduce hospital aquired ..........
  3. 3. perform hand hygiene ...... and after patient contact
  4. 7. perform hand hygiene before and ..... patient contact
  5. 8. you should perform hand ....... after touching an IDC
  6. 9. moment five for hand hygiene should be done after touching patient ............
  7. 10. who is "H" the hand hygiene fairy