Hand Hygiene

  1. 2. ___________ do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  2. 3. Resistant organisms can be difficult or impossible to treat with commonly available __________
  3. 5. Products put in alcohol hand rubs to improve skin condition
  4. 6. Dirty hands are a frequent means of __________ of bacteria and viruses
  5. 7. Alcohol Based Hand Rub is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene except when hands are in this condition
  6. 9. Your best defense against the spread of infections
  7. 10. Name for hospital-based infections
  8. 12. The active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps
  1. 1. Condition that can make your skin feel dry and irritable. Can occur from overuse of soap and water.
  2. 3. ________________ Resistance comes from overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents
  3. 4. Spore forming bacteria that can not be killed by ABHR. Handwashing with soap and water is the best way to remove this from hands.
  4. 7. ____________ can not be killed by antibiotics or antibacterial soaps
  5. 8. Your body’s natural defense that fights of viruses and bacteria.
  6. 11. Proper hand hygiene is the best way to break the __________ of infection.