Hand Hygiene

  1. 6. These types of infections are an ongoing problem that directly impact safety, patient satisfaction, and the cost of care.
  2. 7. You Staff who are reminded to wash their hands are encouraged and expected to say__________
  3. 8. What words do we say to someone if we see them not performing hand hygiene?
  4. 9. "_______ the word not the germs" slogan is part of an ongoing effort to make hand hygiene a priority and integrated part of the UPMC culture.
  5. 10. Healthcare workers can do this to their hands simply by touching an environmental surface
  6. 12. Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections is a Joint Commission___________
  7. 16. Alcohol based rub must contain at least_______percent alcohol
  8. 17. These do not replace the need for hand hygiene
  1. 1. He is the "father" of hand hygiene
  2. 2. "WHO" is the abbreviation for what agency that is concerned with international public health
  3. 3. removes the surface organisms when washing hands, which are then washed away in lather
  4. 4. WHO recommends_______ as the most effective and easiest method for hand hygiene performance during routine health-care delivery.
  5. 5. All staff must perform hand hygiene during these ____________: Before touching a patient, after touching a patient, before a clean or aseptic procedure, after a body fluid risk, after touching patient's surroundings
  6. 11. This is the single greatest way to prevent infection
  7. 13. These UPMC health care providers are responsible for performing, promoting, and monitoring compliance with hand hygiene
  8. 14. Handwashing with _________is required when are hands are visibly soiled, before eating and after using restroom, after caring for patients with C-diff and when hands are contaminated with proteinaceous material or are visibly soiled with blood/body fluid
  9. 15. When washing hands with soap and water, lather well and rub hands together for a minimum of __________