- 2. Keeping my hands away from my ______ is also important so I don't spread germs.
- 3. I wash my hands thoroughly after I have been to the ________.
- 7. I know that bad hygiene puts my family, friends and I at risk of spreading _____________, and I don't want to do that so I practice excellent hand hygiene.
- 9. I make sure that I lather the back of my hands, and _______ my fingers.
- 12. Hand ______ is essential to the health of my family and I.
- 13. My good hygiene helps to protect people who have weaker ________ systems, including people who are old or who may be pregnant.
- 14. My excellent hygiene keeps v__________ away.
- 16. The only time I don't need to wash my hands is immediately after I have had a _______ or bath.
- 18. My excellent hygiene keeps c_________ away.
- 19. I know I have washed my hands for the correct amount of time when I have _____ the Happy Birthday song from start to finish.
- 1. My excellent hygiene keeps my ________ happy, healthy and well!
- 4. I know I need to wash my hands for ______ seconds.
- 5. I dry my hands on a clean ______.
- 6. My excellent hygience keeps b_________ away.
- 8. I need to wash my hands after being ______ including after I come home from school each day.
- 10. I wash my hands thoroughly before entering the ______ and eating food.
- 11. My excellent hygiene keeps g______ away.
- 15. I wash my hands to prevent the spread of ______.
- 17. I know I need to wash my hands after patting my _____.