Handwriting analysis, forgery, counterfeit

  1. 2. reveals text from indented impressions
  2. 10. examination and comparison of questioned documents with known material
  3. 11. attempting to alter writing so it cannot be traced back
  4. 13. writing or the writer lifting the pen
  5. 14. attempt to copy a signature or handwriting sample from a genuine article by trying to imitate the handwriting of the original
  6. 18. The forensic document examiners offer certification for forensic document examiners who possess a bachelors degree for accredited college or university
  7. 20. the placement of t's and dots on i's
  8. 21. is The oldest and largest organization for forensic document examination professionals.
  9. 23. the 20-month son of the famous aviator and anne morrow Lindbergh's case
  10. 24. writing that are completed by the subject before the investigation
  11. 26. the letters equally spaced or crowded
  12. 27. writing is slant left or right or variable
  13. 30. The 6 year old beauty queen that was murdered in their basement
  14. 31. writings dictated by the investigator to the writer
  1. 1. the letters formed completely or parts missing
  2. 3. capital or lowercase letters connected and continuous
  3. 4. the principle that indented areas of a document that carries less negative charges than surrounding areas
  4. 5. fancy curls or loops on any letters
  5. 6. the ratio of height to width consistent or inconsistent
  6. 7. science involved in producing a personality profile of the writer's characteristics
  7. 8. the 4 members of the Otero family that was murdered case
  8. 9. the letters printed, written in cursive, or both
  9. 12. used of static or geometric characteristics
  10. 15. removing, adding, or changing a portion of the original
  11. 16. the document over the original and tracing it
  12. 17. letters that flow or are erratic and shaky
  13. 19. a process used by criminals to make, alter, or falsify a person's signature or a document with the intent to deceive another person
  14. 22. handwriting analysis that is done with the naked eye, handheld lens, illuminated magnifier, and microscope
  15. 25. the text on, above, or below the line
  16. 28. a type of forgery that is written with no knowledge of the appearance of the original
  17. 29. the pressure equal or unequal when applied to upward and downward strokes