Hanging Gardens of Babylon

  1. 2. Sometimes used in place of the word "law"
  2. 4. the modern country located in the area that was once called Mesopotamia
  3. 8. A book in the Holy Bible that describes Babylon.
  4. 10. The Hanging Gardens were a series of ________.
  5. 12. The goddess after whom the gate to Babylon was named.
  6. 14. King of Babylon who had the Hanging Gardens built for his wife
  7. 16. A room used for worship found in every Babylonian home
  8. 17. The people who lived in Sumer
  9. 19. The southern region of Mesopotamia
  10. 20. The Hanging Gardens got their water from water _______.
  11. 22. One who has been freed from slavery
  1. 1. The land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
  2. 3. One of the two rivers that were located on either side of Mesopotamia
  3. 5. One of the most beautiful and powerful cities in the world in the seventh century BCE
  4. 6. term that refers to the body that decides a case of law or the place it is decided
  5. 7. a rich and powerful ancient civilization; it was located where Iran is located today
  6. 9. a river running past Babylon
  7. 11. A huge temple referred to in the Bible
  8. 13. The shape of the Babylonian temples
  9. 15. Sumerian contracts were sealed in a clay _________.
  10. 18. A type of writing used by the Sumerians; the characters were wedge-shaped
  11. 21. In addition to plants, the Hanging Gardens had pools and _______________