Hannah and Palmer

  1. 2. Hannah's dream dog
  2. 4. Hannah's favorite hobby
  3. 6. Hannah's favorite animal
  4. 8. their favorite NFL team
  5. 9. the better skier
  6. 11. Dorm Hannah and Palmer met
  7. 13. Palmer's signature dish
  8. 15. street where they live
  9. 17. Palmer's original home
  10. 18. the honeymoon destination
  1. 1. Palmer's dream dog
  2. 3. How we found out they were dating
  3. 5. Palmer's favorite time of day
  4. 7. the better wake surfer
  5. 10. First date according to Palmer
  6. 12. the cat H and P adopted
  7. 14. First date according to Hannah
  8. 15. Fav G-Boro dessert spot
  9. 16. official/unofficial job duty at camp