Happy New Year!

  1. 2. Stop by 523 ____ Street anytime!
  2. 3. Bill and boys are still in the game
  3. 7. Stacey is on the PdC Main Street ____
  4. 10. Ry and Ty live on __ Street
  5. 13. Reagan manages the High School ___ team
  6. 15. Tyler is majoring in __
  7. 16. Ryan is planning to become an __ Teacher
  1. 1. Reagan in High School
  2. 4. Ice or Boat - a favorite pastime
  3. 5. Ryan and Tyler's School Mascot
  4. 6. Stacey is the __ Manager at Opportunity Center
  5. 8. Reagan was inducted into the __ Honor Society
  6. 9. 9 years old, lazy and great cuddler
  7. 11. Bill is an Elementary Principal at River ___
  8. 12. Ryan Coaches ___ wrestling in Platteville
  9. 14. Doing well and keeps us laughing