Hannah's Winter

  1. 1. With whom did Hannah had to sleep the day her mother was sleeping in the guest room?
  2. 5. Mount Hokasan is _________-west of Kanazaura.
  3. 6. What is the meaning of OISHI in English?
  4. 11. A red dragon,__________ horse and a golden bird.
  5. 12. I understand I was seeing _________ Jinja in the time at wasn't my own.
  6. 13. Where did Hannah's mother took her in summer for vacation?
  1. 2. What are slices of raw bear meat called?
  2. 3. When Hannah picked the golden bird the horse and the dragon _________ into smoky puddles.
  3. 4. What thing attracted Hannah's mother to die her hair purple?
  4. 7. In Japan on 4th of February is the bean throwing festival. What is it called in Japanese?
  5. 8. Three paper animals __________ with strands of paper.
  6. 9. Hiro thought the appearance of the ghost had something to do with ___________.
  7. 10. 7 eleven was up the river, in the direction of _________market.