Hanna's Bachelorette Party

  1. 2. Name of Hanna's high school
  2. 6. Hanna's Favorite FW Restaurant
  3. 7. Charity Hanna supports when she runs NYC marathon
  4. 9. Sport Hanna played in high school
  5. 10. Color of Hanna's engagement ring
  6. 11. Honorary Groomsman
  7. 12. Nick's Favorite FW Restaurant
  8. 13. Hanna's new last name
  9. 15. Name of Hanna's MOH
  10. 16. Brand of Hanna's House Party dresses
  11. 17. Wedding Website Password
  12. 19. Name of Nick's Best Man
  13. 21. Summer camp Hanna worked at
  1. 1. Name of chapel where they are getting married
  2. 3. Name of dorm Nick + Hanna met in
  3. 4. Country where Nick + Hanna spent Thanksgiving
  4. 5. Class Nick + Hanna had together
  5. 8. City of away formal Nick invited Hanna to
  6. 14. Hanna's birthday month
  7. 18. Name of hotel with wedding room block
  8. 20. Name Nick's high school