
  1. 4. A beaming smile, to grin from (3,2,3)
  2. 7. Film about a dancing penguin (5,4)
  3. 8. HAPPY! is a recent TV series found on Netflix that is based on a graphic novel about a man who is friends with an imaginary pet what? (7)
  4. 9. A bird that symbolizes happiness internationally? (8)
  5. 11. A new born baby (6,2,3)
  6. 12. 1970s television series (5,4)
  7. 16. This idiom is used when a person is very happy and is going to go celebrate something with friends or relatives, usually used to describe a night out (5,3,4,3)
  8. 18. Flower that represents joy and happiness (8)
  9. 20. When you are energetic, cheerful and happy – season (4,2,3,4,2,6)
  10. 21. Give time to a cause
  1. 1. Being madly in love (4,4,5)
  2. 2. An aquatic mammal used to describe having a good time (5)
  3. 3. Pharrell sung a song titled "Happy" which is the theme song for this popular film (10,2,3)
  4. 5. celebrate an occasion
  5. 6. An ecstatic bee (7)
  6. 10. Insect that symbolizes happiness, speed and purity? (9)
  7. 13. The colour of The Beatles submarine (6)
  8. 14. If you were to be very happy people could describe you as, Over the? (4)
  9. 15. Setting goals for new year
  10. 17. One of the seven dwarves (5)
  11. 19. A person can be tickled what colour (4)