
  1. 4. having meaning
  2. 7. the action or process of innovating
  3. 9. a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration
  4. 10. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  5. 12. equal or in the correct proportions
  6. 13. a condition in which different elements
  7. 15. firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something
  8. 16. the action of organizing something
  9. 17. a specified state of growth or advancement
  1. 1. a range of different things.
  2. 2. a task or situation that tests someone's abilities
  3. 3. a refined understanding or appreciation of culture
  4. 5. mentally, or spiritually
  5. 6. express warm approval or admiration of
  6. 8. identification of someone or something or person from previous encounters or knowledge
  7. 11. the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered
  8. 14. the process of developing or maturing