Happiness At Work

  1. 2. I need to build strong ____s at work.
  2. 4. Most people go through 5 stages of ________.
  3. 9. I need to have more __________ in my life to be happy.
  4. 10. How I behave is an outcome of how I ____.
  5. 13. We can future-proof our career with psychological __________________.
  6. 15. Under stress, I should focus on what I can _________.
  7. 17. 40% of our happiness depends on whether we have learnt how to or have the _____________ to be happy.
  8. 18. The levels of ______ increase when we exercise.
  1. 1. Rainbow shows after _____.
  2. 3. 10% of my happiness can come from _______.
  3. 5. When I person is happy, it makes one _____ happy!
  4. 6. 50% of my happiness depends on my _____.
  5. 7. I should _____ all my bags of unhappiness.
  6. 8. To attain long term happiness, we need to start accumulating many happy _______________.
  7. 11. How I _____ affects how I feel.
  8. 12. To ____ at work is to be psychologically happy.
  9. 14. Our happiness sometimes depends on the level of our _____ according to Maslow’s Theory.
  10. 16. To live longer, we need to _______ a lot.