Happiness is...

  1. 5. The team was disappointed. The emotion is ____.
  2. 6. ____ is the state of being nervous.
  3. 7. I’m a bit sad, but I’m not depressed. ____ is a serious issue.
  4. 9. The noun is relaxation; the adjective is ____.
  5. 11. The emotion is fear; you’re feeling ____.
  6. 12. are confused You are ____ if you are in a state of confusion
  7. 13. If you feel delight, you are ____.
  1. 1. The adjective is excited; the noun is ____.
  2. 2. I don’t get embarrassed very easily. ____ isn’t something that bothers me.
  3. 3. It’s a friendly place. They like to encourage ____ there.
  4. 4. ____ for me is about the people around me also being happy.
  5. 8. Exhaustion is what you experience when you are ____.
  6. 10. She wasn’t sad. Those weren’t tears of ____; they were tears of joy
  7. 14. During a time of loneliness, you are ____.