Happy 13 M. ka πŸΆπŸ’–πŸͺ

  1. 5. My baby
  2. 6. You are my ...?
  3. 8. You
  4. 12. It can fix my mood
  5. 14. What all I need from you
  6. 15. What I want to be?
  7. 17. Today and every 12th day
  8. 19. The cutest thing from me
  1. 1. How long we have been together?
  2. 2. Your baby
  3. 3. Your things
  4. 4. Me
  5. 7. I love you...?
  6. 9. If we are to together now we will
  7. 10. You are the ... thing in my life
  8. 11. Your nickname when you are bad
  9. 13. Yes
  10. 16. Your nickname when I am happy
  11. 18. Do you ... me ka?