Happy 40th Birthday Dave

  1. 1. The X3 side by side ATM you'll ride this year is made by
  2. 5. Chop, add lime and enjoy! ...or we'll just buy off the cart
  3. 6. While driving you'll yell, "Take the (blank)!"
  4. 7. Has one less license plate
  5. 8. Carl's (blank)
  6. 11. Add shower water to this
  7. 12. Forever on the shopping list
  8. 14. Again, in Spanish (2 words)
  9. 18. Baby cerveza
  10. 19. Try to feed them milk
  11. 20. The month we leave...again
  12. 21. Feed it a carrot
  1. 2. Slang for BJ in Mexico
  2. 3. Hang and weigh this here, after you've illegally parked
  3. 4. Because it's your (blank) and we (blank) you
  4. 9. Ask another little girl for one of these (in Spanish)
  5. 10. Found at the top of THE mountain
  6. 13. Set the GPS for Via de (blank)
  7. 15. Your favourite Mexican snacks
  8. 16. Cabo motto, perhaps this time a tattoo? (3 words)
  9. 17. How to kill your sister
  10. 22. Take mom here this time