
  1. 4. -Bringing great pleasure or enjoyment.
  2. 8. -Displaying a joyful and friendly nature.
  3. 9. -Filled with great delight and happiness.
  4. 10. -Feeling happy or pleased about something.
  5. 11. - Filled with great happiness and delight.
  6. 12. -Feeling ecstatically happy or overjoyed.
  1. 1. -Having a positive and happy demeanor.
  2. 2. -Radiating happiness or joy with a bright smile.
  3. 3. -Experiencing complete and pure happiness.
  4. 5. -Experiencing intense excitement or joy.
  5. 6. -Full of joy and happiness.
  6. 7. -Feeling satisfied or content with something.
  7. 11. -Full of good humor and happiness.