Happy Baby Birthday Baby 2023

  1. 4. Puppy's new favorite thing
  2. 6. Baby always surprises husband with:
  3. 9. Baby's present this year
  4. 14. Baby doesn't want to do this with husband anymore (first word)
  5. 17. Baby doesn't like kitty messing with her:
  6. 18. Most of the dessert we eat these days is:
  7. 19. What Baby says when husband wants to do things with her
  8. 20. Baby doesn't like these on the highway
  9. 21. Baby said she liked System of a:
  1. 1. Coldplay song and first word in title of song by The Beatles whose rhythm Baby uses
  2. 2. Baby doesn't like kitty on the:
  3. 3. Baby wants this in the kitchen
  4. 5. Baby's new favorite thing to spill on
  5. 6. Baby finally did this with husband
  6. 7. Baby cleaned a lot of this
  7. 8. Baby doesn't like this kid
  8. 9. Baby said the same thing about this place as she did about Torchy's
  9. 10. First word in song baby took from The Beatles
  10. 11. Baby threatens to use this often
  11. 12. Baby finally watched this with husband (second word)
  12. 13. Baby wants to go back here (first word)
  13. 15. Baby will be ready for this soon
  14. 16. Baby should make more: