happy bday sage!

  1. 2. something you're really good at. this could be a lot of things-- i just wanted a challenge hint lmaooo
  2. 4. what were we going to break out of school to transform into in second grade?
  3. 6. what floor did we eat lunch on together sophomore year?
  4. 7. this philosophical tim is not so old.
  5. 10. a pillar of your college according to their motto.
  6. 14. you kept your stuffed animals in one of these above your bed as a kid.
  7. 15. this is a musician you like known for her muck.
  8. 18. which of your cats cycles?
  9. 20. what school grows from marshy ground?
  10. 21. what author needs to cut back on languages in his text?
  11. 22. you sometimes live in this world.
  1. 1. with what did you talk to dead people(and a florist) in high school?
  2. 3. what's the best shade of green?
  3. 5. your coolest aunt, imo.
  4. 8. what cheez it snack ruled your lunchbox back in the day?
  5. 9. i need someone to manage my facilities!! who you gonna call?
  6. 11. what was the theme of the social norm you broke junior year with mr. milbert?
  7. 12. what did we consume during the harry potter marathon that was sort of gross and sort of delicious?
  8. 13. what is friendship when you're a parodical pony?
  9. 16. this is the role you always seem to get in mafia.
  10. 17. who rules the angels of our childhood?
  11. 19. what is the most important of othello's body parts?