Dream Team

  1. 2. Laura’s Ride
  2. 4. Laura does not care for this
  3. 5. something that should never be disrupted
  4. 6. how good ice cream tastes
  5. 8. how Laura feels about being Lauren’s friend
  6. 11. literally the worst
  7. 14. a sneaky sip
  8. 17. a parent of sorts
  9. 18. meeting spot
  10. 20. lunch spot
  11. 21. Shane’s truest role
  12. 23. the mindful man
  1. 1. the “dairy” we both get at dunks
  2. 3. Laura loves it, Lauren hates it
  3. 4. communication hub
  4. 7. also mandatory for outside time
  5. 9. Lauren’s best card game
  6. 10. a vehicle made of popsicle sticks or cardboard
  7. 12. mandatory for outside time
  8. 13. a fun toy in the team room
  9. 15. what we share after sessions
  10. 16. another parent of sorts
  11. 17. where we get these
  12. 19. unknowing cult leader
  13. 22. a frequent lunch