Happy Birthday Bill

  1. 4. one of my hobbies
  2. 6. people I love
  3. 8. the sort of crosswords I'm good at
  4. 9. what you eat on your birthday
  5. 11. what you get if you are good on your birthday
  6. 14. one of my children
  7. 15. what I did as a career
  8. 16. bowls, one of my hobbies
  9. 17. one of my friends
  1. 1. my lovely wife
  2. 2. one of my friends
  3. 3. not sad
  4. 5. the name my mother gave me
  5. 7. people I choose to be with
  6. 10. one of my friends
  7. 12. Old, beer I like to drink
  8. 13. the day you are born
  9. 16. one of my children