Happy birthday Freddie

  1. 1. Our go to meal
  2. 5. amount of days together
  3. 6. The month we got together
  4. 8. Our First Born
  5. 9. Your favourite album
  6. 11. Instrument played when we got together
  7. 12. First artist we bonded over
  8. 14. Our second born name
  9. 17. First present I got you
  10. 18. our Beatles song
  1. 2. Music Box
  2. 3. My favourite album
  3. 4. The month did we first meet
  4. 7. How many cinema trips
  5. 10. First movie as a couple
  6. 13. Country we want to visit
  7. 15. Where we met
  8. 16. The first movie we seen together