Happy Birthday Harvey

  1. 4. Buys a Harley
  2. 5. puzzle I do with Carol
  3. 6. Hair description
  4. 7. A November possibility
  5. 9. Recently quit these
  6. 12. Fun but destructive activity
  7. 14. Harvey's current age
  8. 15. Birthday month
  9. 16. League
  10. 18. Summer's ride
  11. 19. Singer Johnny
  1. 1. Birthday week weather
  2. 2. It's not a sport
  3. 3. Home sweet home
  4. 5. Good friend
  5. 7. Father's profession
  6. 8. 63 and counting
  7. 10. Sam Haj
  8. 11. Puppy's first
  9. 13. July 7
  10. 17. Clearwater empties this
  11. 20. Better half