Happy Birthday Hugh Jackman!!

  1. 2. Stanley Jobson - Go anywhere. Steal everything. Once you know the password you can go anywhere.
  2. 5. Nick Bannister - The past can haunt a man. That's what they say. That the past is just a series of moments. Each one perfect.
  3. 7. Memphis - WARNING: May Cause Toe-Tapping. Everybody Dance Now! Put on your happy feet.
  4. 8. Blackbeard - Every legend has a beginning. In the beginning... he was the enemy. In the beginning... he was just a boy.
  5. 10. Jean Valjean -Fight. Dream. Hope. Love.
  1. 1. P.T. Barnum - The Impossible Comes True
  2. 3. Masked Player in Alley - The world needed a hero. They got a guy.
  3. 4. Wolverine - Trust a few. Fear the rest. Protecting those who fear them. The future is here.
  4. 6. Gabriel Van Helsing - The One Name They All Fear
  5. 9. Robert Angier - A Friendship That Became a Rivalry. A Rivalry That Turned Deadly. Are You Watching Closely?