Happy Birthday Keleese!

  1. 4. You are
  2. 5. Something you're of age to play.
  3. 7. Blow them out and make a wish
  4. 8. Your dog's name
  5. 10. Your cat's name
  6. 11. Season of your birth
  7. 13. Traditional birthday desert
  8. 17. How often a birthday occurs
  9. 18. Something you receive on birthdays
  10. 19. Month you were born
  1. 1. A gathering to celebrate
  2. 2. What you do on holidays
  3. 3. Your name
  4. 6. Something you're of age to drink
  5. 9. The day you were born.
  6. 12. Everybody's favorite aunt
  7. 14. How old are you today
  8. 15. Birthday decorations
  9. 16. People you celebrate with