Happy Cardiac Rehabilitation Week

  1. 4. uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart
  2. 5. fats that can improve blood cholesterol levels, ease inflammation, stabilize heart rhythms, etc.
  3. 6. planned, structured, and purposeful physical activity
  4. 8. medical term for high blood pressure
  5. 11. disease where blood sugars are too high
  6. 13. feeling of physical or emotional tension
  7. 16. how hard you body is working during physical activity
  8. 17. "good" cholesterol
  9. 18. blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood
  1. 1. tiny wire mesh tube inserted in blocked artery
  2. 2. ______ heart rate zone for maximum benefit from aerobic exercise
  3. 3. ______ medical history increases risk for heart issues
  4. 7. a type of lipid found in the blood
  5. 9. fatty deposits inside arteries
  6. 10. excessive amount of body fat
  7. 12. recommended intake = <1.5g per day for cardiac health
  8. 14. use of this increases risk for heart issues
  9. 15. lifestyle that increases risk for heart issues