Happy Crosswordmas

  1. 1. Milk and ______ left for Santa (7)
  2. 3. Man who turned away Mary and Joseph (9)
  3. 6. Seven _____ a-swimming (5)
  4. 10. Type of baked house (11)
  5. 11. Gift from one of the three wise men (5)
  6. 12. Santa's reindeer (5)
  7. 14. Christmas Carol villain (7)
  8. 15. Centrepiece of traditional UK Christmas dinner (6)
  9. 16. Being with a halo(5)
  10. 17. Snow on Christmas Day (5)
  11. 20. Draping Christmas tree decoration (6)
  12. 21. German Christmas tree (10)
  13. 22. Christmas film starring Will Ferrell (3)
  14. 27. Used to decorate presents (6)
  15. 28. Mused absentmindedly (10)
  16. 29. Christmas dessert (4)
  17. 30. Santa's transport (6)
  18. 32. Roast Christmas snack (9)
  19. 33. Traditional hot spiced alcoholic drink (6, 4)
  1. 1. Fire-based illumination (11)
  2. 2. _____ of joy (7)
  3. 4. _________ of New York, Pogues song(9)
  4. 5. C. C. ____, author of Twas the Night Before Christmas (5)
  5. 7. Type of tree in which you can find a single partridge (4)
  6. 8. deck the _____ (5)
  7. 9. Alternative Santa name (7)
  8. 11. Overhanging vegetation (9)
  9. 13. Traditional red Christmas plant (9)
  10. 18. Christmas songs (5)
  11. 19. Singer of Merry Christmas Everybody (5)
  12. 23. Christmas tree ornament (6)
  13. 24. Jim Carrey who stole Christmas(6)
  14. 25. Christmas countdown calender (6)
  15. 26. Christmas door hanging (6)
  16. 31. Type of Church song (4)