Happy Easter!

  1. 2. Sunday before Easter: ______ Sunday
  2. 4. spring flower
  3. 6. He made the most expensive Easter eggs.
  4. 7. baby chickens
  5. 8. Friday before Easter is called ______ Friday.
  6. 9. one of the symbols of Easter
  7. 12. What are Easter treats made of?
  8. 13. type of hat traditionally worn at Easter
  9. 15. He betrayed Jesus just before his crucifixion.
  10. 18. The first Easter eggs were dyed what color?
  11. 20. At Easter we celebrate the ________ of Christ.
  12. 21. day before Easter: Holy ___ •
  1. 1. what you collect your easter eggs in
  2. 3. type of flower you see at Easter time
  3. 5. Which ocean is Easter Island in?
  4. 9. Eggs symbolize new ______ .
  5. 10. The Easter ________ brings you eggs and treats.
  6. 11. Easter is a four day ________.
  7. 14. How many marzipan balls are traditionally on the simnel cake?
  8. 16. the season that Easter happens in
  9. 17. Holy Thursday is also called ________ Thursday.
  10. 19. period of 40 days of fasting beginning on Ash Wednesday