Happy Father's Day 2024! We love you

  1. 2. Funniest person in the world according to Madeleine
  2. 4. Something you have that nobody else in the family has!
  3. 6. Street where you kicked Noah out of the car when he was 6
  4. 9. You cried when you were a little kid in Korea because your family ate this without you
  5. 13. first word + trigger word depending on which third of the alphabet + Korean word + token depending on consonant/vowel + alphanumeric of entire word? + symbols
  6. 15. Favorite DJ Doc song?
  7. 17. Fat people club
  8. 18. You are a self-taught (hint: water)
  9. 20. Pet you want?
  10. 21. Subject you helped Mady a lot in
  11. 24. What did you do to your disc?
  12. 25. "This is my _____'s world..."
  13. 26. Drink your coffee, and you sometimes talk in this vernacular
  1. 1. Thing that you like to read?
  2. 3. You're surprisingly good at this, even though you usually catch crabs
  3. 5. You pinch your son's ______
  4. 7. Something Mom says you have (concerning)
  5. 8. Something you will not smoke?
  6. 10. Intelligent, kind, patient, handsome, loving, wise, gentle, good
  7. 11. The back of your head is
  8. 12. You attend a lot of this person's concerts
  9. 14. Someone you talk to in the car
  10. 16. You're a master of this!
  11. 19. Your uncle loves this, but you don't.
  12. 22. Movie that you cried while watching?
  13. 23. What did Norm think your name was?