Happy New Year!

  1. 1. next on my bucket list
  2. 3. our new grandson's name
  3. 6. Colleen's older dog
  4. 7. what I'm making for Kast
  5. 8. your next honey do
  6. 9. my next career plan
  7. 11. our kitten
  8. 12. where the wizard lived
  9. 14. my latest favorite eatery
  10. 16. my latest illness
  11. 17. gift from Vero
  12. 18. Trey Gowdy's home state
  13. 20. your favorite Xmas gift
  1. 2. my favorite Xmas gift
  2. 4. I will go here this summer
  3. 5. your 2nd honey do
  4. 7. color choice for lvg. rm.
  5. 10. festival we will go to in Macon
  6. 13. he is paying my way to Chiang Mai
  7. 15. date of Susan's daughter's wedding
  8. 19. Colleen's younger dog