Happy New Year!

  1. 2. 2023 Will be the year of the _____
  2. 5. Most of the family had this in June
  3. 8. This season is cold in Boston but just right in AZ
  4. 9. Theo is probably not _____ right now, since he didn't nap
  5. 10. The last name of Theo's favorite baseball player; Also someone you might see in a courtrooom
  6. 11. Dedushka deliciously combines this with pumpkin
  7. 13. 2022 was the Year of the ____
  8. 15. Inna is a pro at this type of dance
  9. 16. Theo's best friend, according to Theo
  1. 1. Sonny's middle name and someone else's name here too!
  2. 3. Charlie's favorite Russian breakfast (he just had it today!)
  3. 4. Mike has always had a great sense of _____. Now he has an _______ motorcycle to prove it.
  4. 6. Former home of the Szolds (before they were the Szolds) and host of the Republican presidential caucus
  5. 7. Anastasia arranges these with ease and flair!
  6. 12. Dedushka is a maestro on this instrument
  7. 14. Babushka makes beautiful jewelry out of these.