- 2. 2023 Will be the year of the _____
- 5. Most of the family had this in June
- 8. This season is cold in Boston but just right in AZ
- 9. Theo is probably not _____ right now, since he didn't nap
- 10. The last name of Theo's favorite baseball player; Also someone you might see in a courtrooom
- 11. Dedushka deliciously combines this with pumpkin
- 13. 2022 was the Year of the ____
- 15. Inna is a pro at this type of dance
- 16. Theo's best friend, according to Theo
- 1. Sonny's middle name and someone else's name here too!
- 3. Charlie's favorite Russian breakfast (he just had it today!)
- 4. Mike has always had a great sense of _____. Now he has an _______ motorcycle to prove it.
- 6. Former home of the Szolds (before they were the Szolds) and host of the Republican presidential caucus
- 7. Anastasia arranges these with ease and flair!
- 12. Dedushka is a maestro on this instrument
- 14. Babushka makes beautiful jewelry out of these.