Happy New Year

  1. 4. We go together like chicken and ____ (two words)
  2. 6. Music artist; also a poster on your wall
  3. 7. Fast food place you visit whenever you're traveling
  4. 9. Furry friend you're going to introduce me to in Colorado
  5. 10. Harry Potter character who redeems himself in the end (I guess)
  6. 13. I am not throwing away _____ (in being with you); also a song in Hamilton
  7. 14. Kendrick Lamar quotes this movie in his diss track to Drake
  8. 15. How many months in until we said I love you
  9. 16. Billie Eilish eats this girl for ____
  10. 18. Food you're allergic to
  11. 21. Your Hogwarts house
  12. 22. First breakfast place we went to
  13. 23. Month anniversary we're approaching
  14. 24. Your favorite Color
  1. 1. Today's Holiday
  2. 2. What you ordered on our first date
  3. 3. Chess piece
  4. 5. First movie we watched together
  5. 8. Words of celebration in 7 days
  6. 11. Movie I could fit in solely based on color scheme; also a poster on your wall
  7. 12. Your top artist on Spotify Wrapped
  8. 17. Last movie we saw in theaters
  9. 19. Animated series where both characters choose scissors in a game of rock, paper, scissors
  10. 20. Jade's remix of Espresso "He's working late 'cause he's a ____"