Happy New Years!!

  1. 1. ____ in the new year.
  2. 3. Items that hang on the wall
  3. 5. New Year's ___
  4. 8. In with the ___, out with the old.
  5. 9. Twelve a.m.
  6. 10. Winter sport played on the ice.
  7. 13. ____ last a life time.
  8. 14. Month New Year's Day is in?
  9. 15. Day that New Year's is on
  1. 2. Board ___ (for ex: twister, guess who...)
  2. 4. Small pieces of sparkly paper
  3. 6. There are twelve in a year.
  4. 7. They light up the sky at midnight.
  5. 11. Couples do this at exactly midnight
  6. 12. New Year's eve count-___