Happy New Years 2025

  1. 1. New Years Day is the ______ Holiday of the year
  2. 5. You will need a new one starting on this day
  3. 7. Rubbery object that floats and is usually tied to a string or ribbon
  4. 8. There's always a _______ on this day.
  5. 10. Lots of people will get _______ on this day
  6. 11. Couples like to do this at the stroke of midnight
  7. 12. Beverage drank on this day to celebrate the New Year, that is available on tap, in cans, or in bottles
  8. 13. People like to watch the ______ drop on this day
  9. 14. Time the New Year begins
  10. 19. Do Not ______ and Drive
  11. 20. Tradition done minutes before the clock strikes midnight
  12. 21. Lots of these will be taken on this day and posted on social media
  13. 22. Speech made by starting off with tapping your drinking glass
  14. 23. Bright, hot, beautiful lights that flash in the sky do to these
  15. 27. And be ________ the next morning
  16. 29. Many are played on this day
  17. 30. Put up ____________ for the party to look nice
  18. 31. Happy ____ Year!
  1. 1. Being around family and _________ is important on this day
  2. 2. New Years Day is the 1st _______ celebrated of the year
  3. 3. Emotion felt to be In this moment
  4. 4. Month we celebrate the New Year
  5. 6. Tiny, shiny, pieces to help decorate
  6. 9. Goal or promise made to self on this day
  7. 15. We ______ to the music to enjoy our time
  8. 16. Most people stay up _____ on this day
  9. 17. Most of these are closed for the day
  10. 18. Many will be at this destination in New York this time of year
  11. 24. It's important to be ______ on this day
  12. 25. Many people will choose to stay at one of these then at home on this day
  13. 26. Today is a good day to capture good _________
  14. 28. Object looked at and used more on this day then usual