Happy Pop Pop Day!

  1. 3. 3512 5th Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
  2. 5. the coach that called the worst fake punt in NFL history and has been getting harassed all week for it
  3. 6. 600 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15282
  4. 8. the number of minutes in 2.5 hours divided by Babe Ruth’s number
  5. 9. when you catch a ball in baseball with your glove palm to the sky, it’s nicknamed a _______ catch
  6. 11. the Spanish word for a person’s loved ones OR the Mets’ closer
  1. 1. the amount of ounces in a really large bottle of beer like the homies drink
  2. 2. a huge aluminum barrel of beer
  3. 3. the cost of something OR a Blue Jay pitcher
  4. 4. the Heisman trophy winner in when Mom was 20 years old
  5. 6. there are 336 of these on a golf ball OR small indentations on a person’s cheek when he smiles
  6. 7. Landry Jones’ college
  7. 10. the 1974 & 1975 Heisman trophy winner