Happy Pop-Pop Day

  1. 3. Mrs. Henry Hill
  2. 8. a chemical agent used for whitening, sterilizing or disinfecting
  3. 9. the Grand Canyon state
  4. 11. what my team is doing at 8:30am tomorrow before we play our game at 10am
  1. 1. the hot stuff that comes out of volcanoes
  2. 2. tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and what?
  3. 4. something that proves you paid for what you bought
  4. 5. the beer company whose headquarters are in Pottsville, PA
  5. 6. the former William & Mary defensive back and former Super Bowl champion who went on a mass raping spree recently
  6. 7. their two biggest selling flavors are Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese
  7. 8. this guy, Mr. _____ Batts, tells Pesci to go home and get his shine box, so Pesci stabs him to death
  8. 10. Sam “Ace” Rothstein’s wife is played by whom?