Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. 2. the fleshy part of the turkey that hangs over it's neck
  2. 5. what we take after we eat our turkey
  3. 8. places where the turkey sleeps
  4. 13. the mother of thanksgiving
  5. 14. bird usually eaten on Thanksgiving
  6. 15. the day after thanksgiving, a day of shopping
  7. 16. a mixture of bread,butter,vegetables,onion,spices, etc.
  8. 17. people who traveled in the Mayflower
  9. 19. the noise a thanksgiving bird makes
  10. 20. a popular dessert eaten today
  11. 21. what we do to our food
  12. 23. the sport played/watched on thanksgiving day
  13. 24. the number of estimated turkeys eaten for thanksgiving dinner
  1. 1. a decorative container shaped like a horn that holds corn,flowers,and fruit
  2. 3. a flap of skin under the turkey's chin
  3. 4. a yellow vegetable ate on the cob or off
  4. 6. the month we are in now
  5. 7. an important figure who believed turkeys should be the national bird of the U.S. of A.
  6. 9. a squashed starch with butter and salt
  7. 10. our family members
  8. 11. a holiday on the 4th Thursday of November
  9. 12. female turkeys
  10. 14. male turkeys
  11. 18. the ship pilgrims used to get to North America
  12. 22. how we should feel on thanksgiving