Happy Valentines

  1. 7. Month You First Said I Love You
  2. 8. The hotel we stayed at in Tenerife was called Blue Sea…
  3. 10. What show did you introduce me to when we started dating?
  4. 12. What activity did we do on our third date?
  5. 13. Month We Met
  1. 1. My Fav Food
  2. 2. What show did I introduce you to when we started dating?
  3. 3. First Date Bar
  4. 4. What month did you meet my family?
  5. 5. First Kiss
  6. 6. The club I dragged you to and it was awful
  7. 9. Type of show we went on second date
  8. 11. The Kpop band I discovered you like